About Journal

Journal of Nonlinear Systems in Electrical Engineering (JNSEE)  (JNSEE), a scientific-research quarterly, with the permission of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, ISSN: 2322-3146, scientific-research credit from the Secretariat of the Scientific Publications Commission indexed in the Islamic World Science Citation Database (ISC) and Magiran scientific rank C is based on the latest ranking of the Scientific Publications Commission of the Ministry of Science. Access to articles is free for all researchers.
The Journal of Nonlinear Systems in Electrical Engineering is subject to the rules of the Committee on Ethics in Publication (COPE).
And it follows the executive regulations of the Law on Prevention and Combating Fraud in Scientific Works.

(More information on the COPE guidelines)

Payment of article publication costs

The final acceptance, printing and indexing of the accepted articles is only subject to the payment of the article publication fee. The publishing fee for the authors is four hundred thousand tomans, which should be paid after the final acceptance of the article to the account number IR9501-0000-4001-0754-0301-8321 in the name of the special income of Sahand University of Technology at the central bank with the ID number 349075454122700004010711110005 and the corresponding receipt in The system should be uploaded or sent to the email address of the journal (jnsee@sut.ac.ir).


Similarity finder used in the publication

In the section of users and judges, the publication is equipped with the matching system "Yaktawebzhar Sharq". Therefore, each article is compared before sending it to the referee, and if it does not meet the standards and the required level of similarity, it will be immediately removed from the refereeing process. To receive a similarity finder certificate, refer to the system of "Yaktawebzhar Sharq".


Contact information for the journal office
Address: Tabriz, Sahand New City, Sahand University of Technology Campus, Research and Technology Vice-Chancellor, University Specialized Publications Secretariat, PO Box: 51335/1996.
Phone: 04133459316 Fax: 04133443877 Email: jnsee@sut.ac.ir
Journal website: http://jnsee.sut.ac.ir