Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University ,
Abstract: (12302 Views)
In this paper, a novel structure based on Bridgeless AC/DC Converters for BLDC Motor is proposed. For now, to drive this kind of dc motors, step down and step up converters and converters with capability of increase and decrease in output voltage with bridgeless diode structures are presented. In this paper by using a novel structure, this possibility is provided to have a converter that can work in desired and separate states such as buck, boost or buck boost operations. In this paper focus will be upon buck-boost operation to access appropriate usage of both decrease and increase at output voltage advantages. Also this converter would not need to a diode bridge at primary of circuit. At output of this converter only a dc-link capacitor exists, that it will decrease the need of electrolytic capacitors that result to decreased circuit volume and cost. Removing of input diode bridge and input dc-link capacitor has caused to a better quality of input current waveforms. As well as, power factor for input power supply of this converter will work near to unit amounts.
Taghizadegan kalantari N, qabeli S. A novel bridgeless ac-dc buck-boost converter fed brushless dc motors drive. Nonlinear Systems in Electrical Engineering 2019; 5 (1) :39-61 URL:
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